继续学习@ UE课程

The 英国威廉希尔中文网站 is offering the following courses through our 继续d Learning at UE program in 2024年春季. 填写注册表格 来确保你今天的课程.


Chaucer’s Wife of Bath: Imaginary Woman with a Real-World Legacy

现在注册 for Chaucer’s Wife of Bath: Imaginary Woman with a Real-World Legacy

价格: $55
时间: 11:00 a.m.
地点: 北京大学图书馆,北京203
老师: 莎拉Petrosillo博士

How can a literary character move from the page to our minds with such charisma that she ceases to be merely fiction? 乔叟最著名的角色, 巴斯的妻子, is the first in a long line of fictional female characters in British literature who have captured our hearts 和 minds 和 made us wonder: who are you? 玛丽昂·特纳的获奖作品 《巴斯的妻子:传记 seeks to answer that question by examining Chaucer’s star character over the course of 700 years, from the real medieval housewives 和 businesswomen who inspired her creation in the 14th century to her 21st century influences. 我们将阅读 《坎特伯雷故事集》 一起上课. 课外活动, 我们将阅读透纳的“娱乐性和启发性”, funny 和 provocative” biography 和 discuss the chapters in class over the five weeks. 多亏了特纳的书和我们的课堂讨论, students are sure to walk away with an inspired list of reading recommendations to take them into the summer!


  • 《巴斯的妻子:传记, by Marion Turner (hardcover ISBN: 9780691206011; Paperback (9780691206035) comes out on March 5, 2024!
  • 《坎特伯雷故事集》, translated 和 abridged by Sheila Fisher (ISBN: 9780393427899)

莎拉Petrosillo received her BA in English 和 Italian Literature from Colby College, 和 her PhD in English from the University of California, 戴维斯. Her scholarship focuses on medieval literature 和 feminism 和 she has published articles on medieval poetry 和 drama in the Journal for Medieval 和 早期现代 Studies; Exemplaria: Medieval, 早期现代, Theory; Medieval Feminist Forum; 和 in a 2018 essay collection, Animal Languages in the Middle Ages: Representations of Interspecies Communication (帕尔格雷夫麦克米伦). Her book about the cultural influence of falconry on medieval reading practices, Hawking Women: Falconry, Gender, 和 Control in Medieval Literary Culture,于2023年上映. 她教第一年的研讨班, 英国文学调查的前半部分, 世界经典, 文艺复兴和17世纪的作家, 的浪漫, 中世纪文学. She also chairs 和 teaches the introductory class to the Gender, 女性的, 和性研究课程. 她于2021年获得了UE的模范教师奖.

Painting with Claude Monet 和 Pierre-August Renoir (Four-week class)


日期: 1:00-3:00 p.m.
地点: Krannert 2楼,fa204
老师: 米歇尔Peterlin

This class will study the painting techniques of Claude Monet 和 Pierre-August Renoir. Students will paint the base painting in one class 和 then finish it using paint 和 pastels in the second class for each painter.


  • 8 × 10帆布板
  • 8 × 10坚固的水彩纸
  • acrylic or watercolor paints in tube (cake watercolors are discouraged)
  • 各种小到中型油漆刷
  • 一套柔和的粉彩(没有油彩)
  • 一个小的水容器
  • 一卷卫生纸

米歇尔·维吉娜·彼得林 is a graduate of the University of Massachusetts at Amherst where she studied under legendary painters John Grillo 和 Leonard Gongora 和 received a degree in painting. 她在马萨诸塞州的加德纳出生并长大. Currently, she resides with her husb和 in Evansville, IN. She has been a professional artist for over 30 years 和 currently exhibits her work throughout the United States.

Bird Lovers’ L和scaping in Any Size Plot or Pot (Thursdays)

现在注册 for Bird Lovers’ L和scaping in Any Size Plot or Pot (Thursdays)

价格: $55
时间: 2:00 p.m.
地点: 科赫中心,100室
老师: 莎朗·索伦森

This course will focus on the why 和 how of planting native, 尤其是对鸟类的生存和吸引, 蜜蜂, 和蝴蝶, "birdscaping" no matter the size of one's available property, 从英亩到庭院花盆.

第一周: Summarize research reflecting the necessity of native plants 和 describe how the research applies to personal l和scaping, 包括在天井上种植小空间植物, 甲板, 和阳台.

2周: Detail the importance of incorporating biodiversity using various plant species 和 offer suggestions for incorporating additional native plants into either new or established l和scaping 和/or adding pots to l和scaping for mini-gardens 和 l和scape highlights.

第三周: 解释如何选择有目的的植物, 尤其是为了帮助鸟类的生存, 蜜蜂, 而蝴蝶也创造了迷人的风景, 特别要注意的是,并非所有的本地人都是生而平等的, 包括盆栽植物的参数.

4周: Detail how to plant perennial natives in containers 和 how that process differs from that for traditional annuals--what kinds of pots, 什么样的排水?, 什么样的土壤?, 什么样的“肥料”."

第五周: 推荐, 说明, 和 detail specific native plants 和 their soil/water/light requirements, 注意它们特定的野生动物用途, focusing recommendations on those most likely to survive winters in pots.

材料/阅读: 没有要求. 有用的资源包括D. Tallamy的 大自然的最大希望 索伦森的 种植原生植物来吸引鸟儿到你的院子里

莎朗·索伦森 has been a passionate birder since an early age 和 has gardened for birds, 蜜蜂, 和蝴蝶 for over 35 years 和 now "gardens" on a 10' x 12' patio. 她写了23本书,包括 种植原生植物来吸引鸟儿到你的院子里 还有两个更广泛的参考, 月复一月,院子里的鸟儿鸟类的行为. Recipient of the Earl Brooks Award for the Advancement of Conservation of Natural Resources in Indiana, Sorenson has been writing a biweekly "For the Birds" newspaper column since 2002, 曾举办超过200个观鸟工作坊及讲座, 和 for 15 years has taught a popular monthly birding class free to the public at Evansville Central Library. Find her almost daily Facebook posts about birds 和 their habitats at SharonSorensonBirdLady.